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Life member profile: Sharlene Smith, APR, FCPRS

March is membership month at CPRS! All month, we will be getting to know some of our CPRS-VI members.

Meet Sharlene Smith, APR, FCPRS and a CPRS-VI life member.

How long have you worked in PR/comms and what was your first job?

Let’s just say it’s been a really long time. My first comms job was producing a weekly newsletter for the sales force of a life insurance company in Western Canada. 

What is/has been the hardest lesson to learn in your communications career?

Knowing what communications can and can’t do. Sometimes communications is expected to ‘sell or fix’ what’s actually a faulty product, policy or service. 

What's one thing that you would tell someone who is considering becoming a member of CPRS-VI?

Go for it. It’s a good investment in your professional and personal development.

What’s one specific area of expertise that you have that members can reach out to you for advice? 

Communication planning. 

What’s your guilty pleasure? 

I have a few, but If I have to pick only one - red wine.

What’s your favourite word or expression right now?

Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

Connect with Sharlene on LinkedIn.

During March, new members get the initiation fee waived. That's a $50 discount! Curious to know more about becoming a member? Send us an email to Or simply, join today at

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